If Graphene production is scaled for battery production it would certainly help. Having said that Apple has almost never worked on fundamental technologies. They are first to figure out the application and that is the biggest problem. They need to start spending more on fundamental science. If not directly, at least indirectly.

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I'm not even kidding, the Frail Blue Dot is the most authentic and kick-ass blog on the climate crisis right now. At a time when the world is overburdened with individuals who refuse to think, don't want to know but still have such unabashed confidence to crash and burn, your blog was truly refreshing.

We are in a society that celebrates ignorance and guarantees that people who lie through their teeth and right to your face get away with no consequences. So I have long given up following, believing or infact even just acknowledging the existence and the toxic bile regurgitated by non-experts.

Which is why FBD is so bloody fantastic. You're a legit, credentialed subject matter expert living, breathing, (pun intended) and driving the actual climate policies and solutions day in and out. I truly love how you dont mince words, but at the same time start with explaining the basics! It's a delightful read and I learnt so much about what is expected from corps and how little they care. It is the epitome of "All talk and absolutely zero, zilch c**k!"

Thank you ponder woman! I hope your pondering is contagious and goes viral, cuz it's high time every individual started doing that. If not, only Darwin can save us! :)

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